I decided that from this Sunday, I�m going to begin that book. I�m going to write one page every day. Considering it will be 200 pages long, by mid next year I should be in a position to meet the director of Penguin. I wonder if I'll become like Richard Back of J K Rowling and dread to see my book being rejected 17 or 18 times like it happened to these people. By the way, are these stories of rejections true? Somewhere I read that such tales are created as chicken soup mythologies to soothe losers.
Well, how else would I console if Penguin throws my manuscript out of the window?
Friday, November 21, 2003
Friday, November 07, 2003
Though I�ve decided to write that book on Indianness, I haven�t moved beyond the second page. I think I�m the most hardworking lazy guy ever born. Though the ideas for my novel pop in occasionally, I don�t have a proper system to register and retrieve them for later use. Why I don�t know.
Am I not really cut out to become a writer? Is it all a way to cheat myself that I�m actually good at something?
So writing these two paragraphs took close to 25 minutes with 20 distractions. I�m listening to Smells like teen spirit, searching the net for history of bluegrass music, checking if service guy returned my car, and thinking of Haj by Leon Uris that I�m reading now.