Sensitivity. Nothing irks me as much as a violation of human rights.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

This monk has sold his Ferrari

August 31st was my last working day in Sify. With that, nearly 15 years of not-so-illustrious career came to an end. I'm leaving to study English in the UK. After a few years of dabbling with various non-IT options, which included a couple of unmentionable short films, I have finally decided that the world cannot function properly without my writing. Not really wanting to deprive this planet off another V S Naipaul, I've decided to set foot into the treachearous waters.

Leaving IT lacks any feelings in me. I must be extremely nostalgic looking at the path that I've so valiantly traveled. The fact that I am not feeling very emotional is quite disappointing. It could also be because I have been too busy in the past few months so I'm actually exhausted.

I have spent all these years without actually playing a single moment of corporate politics is a soothing aspect of my life. I never backbit anyone and everytime a potentially negative influence in my organisation, I have retaliated loudly. That must be something nice for my autobiography that I'll never write. A good point for my biographers though.

The fact that it is a huge step for me hasn't even begun to strike yet. All credits goes to my wife who has been single-handedly pushing me to realise my goals and scoffed at every lazy moment of the recent past.

I can't believe I have indeed sold my Ferrari. But it has a purpose. I should aim for a private jet now.

Note: I wrote this on my last day at Sify but, in my busy schedule, forgot to post. With very minor modifications, I have done it now from the UK.


Blogger Unknown said...

nice congrats on being a Monk

28 September 2007 at 11:23

Blogger Shyamvallabh said...

So the monk can start with buying a Rover, before the private jet, that is.

All the very best Sridhar, I wish you a enriching and fulfilling career as a writer. (Don't forget to dedicate that book to me)


4 October 2007 at 09:09

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good to see your blog!
How's life in the avatar?


2 November 2007 at 13:28


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