Sensitivity. Nothing irks me as much as a violation of human rights.

Friday, July 28, 2006

Adjective to terrorism

Enough has been written about the Mumbai blasts and I do not want to write yet another ceremonial condemnation. This piece is not about the Mumbai blasts.

Many muslims are uncomfortable with the term 'Islamic Terrorism'. In this blog itself, I had a visitor who objected to my using this term.

Some schools say terrorism has no language, religion or nationality. This school suits our secular media and the politicos. They say that terrorists who kill in the name of religion do not understand the religious teachings and hence the religion itself cannot be blamed for the deeds of a few misled youth. The term 'Jihad' means totally different and the extremists misunderstand this word.

Here's what I feel. I refute the claim made by our politicos and media. Terrorism indeed has a religion when the religion itself is used as the cause for their actions. And it is especially applicable for the Al-Ummas, Al-Quedas and various outfits. They use religion and religious teachings to justify every one of their actions. And more often than not, they are correct. When Taliban banned music in Afghanistan, people raised their eyebrows. I myself was surprised and questions whether Islam is against music. Later, I read a few essays that elaborately discussed some aspects of Islam that indeed banned using musical instruments. Bernard Lewis, a noted historian and an expert on Middle East, quotes that in an Islamic society, non-muslims should be made to pay a special tax. Precisely what Aurangzeb, the Mogul emperor did to Hindus. Though these clauses can be interpreted differently, one can't deny that what Taliban or Aurangzeb did also was one form of interpretation.
Ditto with the term Jihad.

These terrorists use Islam as the means and cause for their fight. Those whom they fight against are called 'Kafirs', the unbelievers. And they claim that, when they succeed, they will install a 'pure' islamic society. That's what happened in Afghanistan, in Iran, Bangaladesh, and currently, in Somalia. Even the extremists in
Kahsmir often 'instruct' their women to wear veil, or pass a fatwa or two.

I feel the Islamic society cannot go on deny the fact that these terrorists come from 'elsewhere'. A mere scoff at the term 'Islamic Terrorism' is not going to solve problems when every one of their community breeds organisations such as Al Jihad, Lashkar-e-Jhangvi or Jaish-e-Mohammed. I'm particularly curious about the last name. The entire Islamic community erupted in anger when Prophet Mohammed was depicted in a cartoon. But the same Prophet's name is being used to kill innocent people and I haven't heard the Islamic community object to that.

The moderates within the community must direct their anger at the small group of people who ruin their reputation. Any modern and reforming government in an Islamic nation gets booted out. The moderates and the majority must ask questions. They must ask why no Islamic country could show successful democracy, does not have a home-grown terrorist outfit or is not secular. When Nepal could turn secular when democracy is enforced, when the Federal Government in US can use 'Happy Holidays' instead of 'Merry Christmas' (much to many ridicule), why is it difficult for a single Islamic Nation to become or remain secular. Even the Secular Republic of Pakistan has turned an Islamic Republic.

In a magazine, post-Mumbai blasts, a muslim said that he struggles to overcome the look of suspicion when people see his beard or the rozen expression that engulfs when they hear his name. The moderates have a resposibility towards this gentleman.

And a billion other innocent Moselmans the world over.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

100% with you on this. It is time the silent majority, if there is one, stopped being silent.

28 July 2006 at 15:45

Anonymous Anonymous said...

well said Sridhar,

I am an agnostic and dont believe in religion. And what I see is sheer escapism, I havent seen blunt condemnation about any terrorist strike anywhere in India and are generally low profile with anything that happens to general mass but are up in arms when such name calling or hints of insunuation happens.

One more interesting thing I noticed while reading the "Letters to the editor" section, I see a deluge of mails seething with anger when Iraq is attacked, afghanistan is bombed, a cartoon comes up in some country, but where are these responses when there is a terrorist attack in our own country.

What else can these things mean, that I am more concerned with my faith, let everything else go to hell.

7 August 2006 at 09:01

Blogger Klingsor said...

Turkey is indeed a secular country in the muslim world (although now it is governed by an islamic party). In university for example, women are forbidden to wear headscarfs.
But Atatürks strict nationalism that suppressed Islam since the 1920s also creates problems and religion regained power in the last decades.

7 August 2006 at 16:10

Blogger expertdabbler said...

the vast majority of the muslims do not think it's their responsibility to fight those who harbour terror in their fatih..
They say its the law enforcement to do it.

But what about some cartoon somehwere in the world?
Then it conveniently becomes their responsiblity to lash out at that.

there is nothing like being neutral in islam. either u r ewith them or against them.

11 August 2006 at 14:15

Anonymous Anonymous said...


have you stopped writing or you are too busy these days ...

how was your bday bash?

Hope you enjoyed it ;-)

14 August 2006 at 07:01


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