Sensitivity. Nothing irks me as much as a violation of human rights.

Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Philosophy in nine minutes

The short film Dinesh and I were working on is now officially shelved. The story of a street-smart beggar winning the sympathy of heterogenous crowd in an evening training, though was a good idea, seemed way beyond our budget. The logistics just wouldn't work.

Perhaps we may dust it out again when we make it big at the national scene. For now, it has to wait. Currently we are working on a ghost, yes ghost, story. I won't reveal the story till it is released or shelved. We wanted a story that can be simply shot inside a house without spending a lotta money. Horror is the best genre for that kind of comfort. Darkness doesn't cost much you see.

The 3-15-minute slick, in-your-face film format has taken an obsessive fancy in me. I especially want to make a mention of a short film called Inter-personality. It's a 9 minutes piece about a guy masquerading like a girl, Nisha Roy, on the Internet to win some friends. Nisha indeed wins a lot of friends. It's funny, interesting, deep and philosophical. In the end, when he visits his mom, she asks when he's going to bring a bahu home. He tells her he has already chosen a girl. Mom is thrilled. When are you bring her home, and what's her name. Soon mom, and the name is Nisha Roy, he says.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Released or Shelved? Shelved??? No way!
- DS

5 January 2005 at 10:00


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