Goddess of Lost Romance
An ordinary person's guide to Empire, Arundhati Roy, Viking Books, Published by Penguin Group
Roy's latest book is dedicated,
She dismisses a lot of my beliefs, questions almost everything I stand for (including free-market) and hence makes me look like a fool. Yet, I still go on reading it, and, every third page, turn the inner-jacket of the book, look at her photograph and feel like kissing her!
I'm not reviewing this book as I'm still reading it. Also, it is not going to be very objective.
Roy helps me recall my teen years when I was a romantic rebel and a very angry young man. I love reading Roy because she brings alive that kid in me who used be enraged at every little injustice in the society and was burning with a desire to change the world. Till, like Matrix, computers came and killed him.
If you had such a person inside you who has died a while ago, go buy this book. Roy will ressurrect the angry young you.